Frequently Asked Questions
This can vary widely, depending on the nature of the tax return being prepared, and depending on our own availability/workload. Our process is thorough and is designed to ensure that no tax information is omitted, and that no opportunities for tax savings are overlooked. A tax return that may only take a couple days to complete during our slow season may take a couple weeks to complete during our peak season. To help set accurate expectations, please request from us an estimated date of completion at the beginning of our engagement with you.
Again, this can vary widely. A tax return that only reports a single W-2 can probably be completed in 15 minutes; a tax return that reports multiple rental properties could take several hours. To estimate the cost at the onset of a project, we will need a rough overview of the types of items you’ll be reporting. For example, do you own a house? Do you actively trade stocks? Do you have a side business? Do you have children in daycare or in college? If you are a new client, having us review your prior-year tax return will also help us gauge how much work will be needed.
Please reach out to us by phone (978-429-9822) or email ( to discuss the services you need us to provide. After that initial contact, if you’d like to hire our firm, we will have you sign our engagement agreement. Once that is signed, you can begin sending us your tax documents (see below). We will provide you with tax organizers to help you compile your tax documents and ensure that no information is omitted. Once we have reviewed your tax info, we will follow-up by email with any questions, or arrange a phone call or video chat for a more detailed discussion.
You can mail hard copies to the address below, or you can upload digital files to your own secure, confidential client portal here. Your client portal will be set up once you have contacted our firm and signed our engagement agreement.
If mailing us your tax documents, please use USPS Priority Mail or another service that includes tracking and delivery confirmation. Send to:
Progressive Accounting LLC
PO Box 308
Salem, Massachusetts 01970 -
Tax preparation fees will be finalized once the tax return is complete and ready to file. Payment of our tax preparation invoice will be due prior to the filing of your tax return. Large projects such as an audit will be quoted prior to the start of the project, and will require a 50% deposit of the projected charges. We accept payment by check, credit card, PayPal, and Cashapp.